On Friday 27th July, on the occasion of the lunar eclyspe visible from Italy, we’ve organised a special event called Eclissi con Gusto during which we will look at the stars from our winery in Scansano (Grosseto).
Starting from 6.30 pm you’ll be able to visit the winery. A tasting of our wines and some nibbles will follow, while “O Sole” (Paolo Mari, David Domilici and Michele Santinelli) will plaa a tribute to the late Italian singer and composer Pino Daniele. All this while we wait to watch the lunar eclypse, from 10 pm onwards, together with star-lover Roberto Patrocchi from the Osservatorio Astronomico di Grosseto.
The price per person is 15 euros.
Children under 6 are admitted free of charge.
The fee for participants aged 7-16 is 8 euros.
We can only accept reservations for 90 people so if you want to participate in Eclissi con Gusto please reserve a place with a message on Whatsapp +39 388 8700238 or by calling as at + 39 0564 507288.