Le Vigne is our range including our selections and our special projects. Such as Vignabenefizio, a single-vineyard wine. Or Vigna Fiorini (from a late harvest) of Vermentino grapes, or Vin del Fattore, born from the idea of recuperating the old technique used for Governo all’uso toscano, or San Rabano, our brut sparking wine with Vermentino grapes.

I Classici are the wines that in our opinion best represent our territory. In particular, there’s Morellino di Scansano, in multiple facets, as well as Bianco di Pitigliano and Capoccia, a red wine made with Ciliegiolo and Alicante grapes.

Scantianum is our range including wines that mostly focus on a single grape variety. Such as Trebbiano, Vermentino and Viognier.
Sangiovese is one of the most important red grapes in Italy. The clone that can be usually found in our area of Maremma is called Morellino. Sangiovese, as a grape variety, also grows abroad, as in California or Argentina. Its origins are ancient and Etruscans supposedly knew it – Sangiovese could mean Sangue di Giove, blood of Jove.
Its origins are uncertain. According to some sources, it arrived in Tuscany from Spain, brought by pilgrims back from Santiago de Compostela, in the 19th century. According to recent studies it originated in Italy, and could be the father of Sangiovese. The name is due to its colour – ciliegiolo as in ciliegia, cherry. Once very popular, it was later used in a blend with Sangiovese, but recently it’s become the main feature in blends.
Vermentino has controversial origins. Perhaps it came from Spain, or France. What’s sure is it arrived in Italy centuries ago and is now common in north Sardinia, on the coast of Liguria and Tuscany, from the Apennines to Maremma. When close to the sea, this grape variety to acquires nice marine marine and sapid notes.
This grape variety of French origins was created by Henri Bouschet who crossbred Grenache with Petit Bouschet. The result is a grape variety rich in colour risultato, which can be used by itself or to add a richer colour to a blend. It’s commonly found in France and Spain. In Maremma, especially in Scansano and Magliano in Toscana, it’s been commonly used with Sangiovese as part of Morellino di Scansano.